Seiken Tsukai no World Break Wiki

The fourth volume of Seiken Tsukai no World Break released on August 12, 2013.


The beautiful assassin of «Demonic Sword» aiming at Moroha――!!


ロシア支部の刺客・レーシャ襲来! 恐るべき《魔剣》の暗き光と、少女の横顔に見える影……。 そして、遂に諸葉の《聖剣》が真の輝きを取り戻す!!

「灰村諸葉は身内に対して非情になれない。それが奴の死を招く――」 ロシア支部の密命を受け、留学生として諸葉の前に現れた美少女・レーシャ。 彼女は"人喰い"の異名を持つ、対人戦のエキスパートだった。

正体を隠したまま積極的にデートへ誘ってくるレーシャ。 だが諸葉は彼女の破天荒なふるまいや、時折見せるひどく物悲しい眼差しに、 語られざる残酷な掟を予感する……。

急襲、救世主殺しの救世主! 《魔剣》レプラザンの凶刃を受け止める、覚醒せし《聖剣》サラティガの真なる力とは――!?


Leshya - Assassin of the Russian branch attacks! The dark light of the fearsome «Demonic Sword», and the shadow visible on her face...... And Moroha's «Holy Sword» finally regains its true brilliance!!

"Haimura Moroha can't be indifferent towards his friends. And that fact would lead him to his death――"

Carrying the nickname of "Man-Eater", she was an expert in fighting against humans. Leshya assertively invited him on a date while hiding her true colors. However, Moroha felt that there were unspeakably cruel circumstances behind her unusual behavior and extremely sorrowful expression she sometimes displayed...

Descent, the Saviour who kills Saviours! What is the true power of the awakened «Holy Sword» Salatiga which received the blow of the «Demonic Sword» Leprazam――?!

Walking the risky school route with the beautiful assassin, the fourth volume of the Academy Sword & Sorcery that is full of tension!![1]


  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - Elena Arshavina
  • Chapter 2 - The Exchange Student of Akane Academy
  • Chapter 3 - Paradise, Resembling a Distant Dream
  • Chapter 4 - Ice Sword and Steel Sword
  • Chapter 5 - I Wish For a Scabbard─
  • Chapter 6 - As if Striking the Sword Again
  • Epilogue
  • Afterwords


Main Characters Returning Characters New Characters Antagonists

Moroha Haimura
Shizuno Urushibara
Satsuki Ranjou
Maya Shimon
Haruka Momochi

Angela Johnson
Sir Edward Lampard
Jin Isurugi
Uisuke Taketsuru
Tadanori Urushibara

Sophia Mertesacker
Elena Arshavina





