Seiken Tsukai no World Break Wiki

The first volume of the Seiken Tsukai no World Break series, which was released on November 15, 2012, thus marking the debut of the series.



1人の身体に最強の《前世》が2つ――つまり超最強!!! ってことだろ? 最愛の二人を救う、新・学園ソード&ソーサリィ、始動!!

「兄様に会える予感がしてたの! 」 前世で愛を誓った姫剣士にして、実の妹の記憶を持つ少女・サツキと、 「私の唇……覚えてないわよね」 別の前世で隣に寄り添い、冥府の魔女として共に戦った少女・静乃。 輪廻を越え、愛する二人と同時に再会してしまった少年・諸葉は、サツキと静乃に挟まれて大弱り!? そして、前世の記憶を力に変える転生者達の学園で、史上初めて二つの前世《剣聖×禁呪使い》の力に覚醒めた諸葉は、 誰よりも特別な運命を歩み始めた!!



The Princess Swordsman, Sarasha who swore of love in her previous life actually is a girl who brought the memories of her little sister―Satsuki Ranjou. And the girl snuggling in her previous life, a girl who fought together as the witch of the underworld―Shizuno Urushibara.

Beyond the cycle of reincarnating, those two who fall in love on the same time re-encounter the boy―Moroha Haimura, changes their memories of their previous lives into a power by force and enrolls as transfer students for their first times as well as their previous lives―awakening the power of «Holy Sword × Prohibited Curse Chant», they finally start to walk in the most special fate nobody yet to experience!![1]


  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - The School of «SAVIORS»
  • Chapter 2 - The Ideal Brother and the Unrealistic Sister
  • Chapter 3 - The Guardian of the Holy Sword
  • Chapter 4 - The Girl Named Ranjou Satsuki
  • Chapter 5 - The Dragon In Human Form
  • Chapter 6 - Rank C Promotion
  • Chapter 7 - Hell Fire, Reside In My Sword
  • Epilogue
  • Afterword


Main Characters Other Characters Antagonists

Moroha Haimura
Satsuki Ranjou
Shizuno Urushibara

Jin Isurugi
Mari Shimon
Maya Shimon
Taro Tanaka

Gen Isurugi (Minor)
Nine-Headed Hydra



