Seiken Tsukai no World Break Wiki

The fifth volume of Seiken Tsukai no World Break released on November 15, 2013.



現世最大最凶の魔力《雷帝》ヴァシリーサへ挑め! ロシア支部戦争編、開戦。


ロシア支部に運命を弄ばれた少女レーシャを救うため、 諸葉はひとり日本を離れ、広大な帝国へ殴りこむ。

目指すはランクSの禁呪使い《雷帝》ヴァシリーサ。 しかし最悪最凶と謳われる、ロシアの猛者たちが諸葉の前に立ちはだかる! 容赦なき連戦につぐ連戦。入り乱れる絶技と絶技。 己の持てる全ての力を駆使し、諸葉は前進し続ける!! そして戦いは決戦の地「エカテリンブルグ」へ――。

『禁呪』と『禁呪』がせめぎ合う、歴史的大激突! 静かな怒りが天を喰らい、世界の形さえ変えていく。

美しき案内人と危険なロシアを往く、 バトルカタルシス爆発の学園ソード&ソーサリィ第5弾!!

A historic great clash of the "Forbidden Spell" VS "Forbidden Spell"!!

"Challenge to the World's most sinister mana holder, the «Lightning Empress» Vasilisa!"

Russian Branch War arc, the war outbreak.

"This is my war."

In order to save Leshya, the girl whose fate was toyed, from Russian branch, Moroha departed from Japan alone, and launch an attack towards the large empire.

His target is the Rank S forbidden spell user «Lightning Empress» Vasilisa. However, the Russian warriors who are said to be the worst of the worst stand before Moroha! Merciless battles upon merciless battles. Special moves jumbled onto each other. Using all the power he holds, Moroha continues to advance!! And then, the battle heads to the land of the decisive battle, to "Yekaterinburg"――

The historic great clash of "Forbidden Spells" battling against each other! The silent anger devours the heavens and even changes the world's shape.

Proceeding towards the dangerous Russian Branch along with a beautiful guide, the fifth volume of Academic Sword and Sorcery erupting with battle catharsis!![1]


  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - Agent - AJ
  • Chapter 2 - Sparking the War
  • Chapter 3 - Haimura Moroha's Way of War
  • Chapter 4 - Traveling to Siberia
  • Chapter 5 - Eight Vs. One
  • Chapter 6 - The Omen of Destruction
  • Chapter 7 - Decisive Battle - Yekaterinburg
  • Epilogue
  • Afterwords


Main Characters Returning Characters New Characters Antagonists

Moroha Haimura
Angela Johnson

Shizuno Urushibara
Satsuki Ranjou
Elena Arshavina
Sir Edward Lampard

Katya Eschkevna Honda
Yuri Olegvic Zhirkov

Vasilisa Yuryevna Mostovaya



